Sunday, November 25, 2007

PSU Podcast

This week I listened to an Educational Technology podcast to gain insight into current classroom technology. I went to for the podcast “What Works in Educational Technology for May 7” a podcast that encourages Penn State faculty to create podcasts in their classrooms. I found this podcast encouraging for those of us new to podcasting. Two people were interviewed extensively, Carla Zembal Saul, a professor that successfully created a podcast for her courses that gained nation-wide acclaim, and Chris Millet, the manger of advanced learning projects, the man that can is encouraging PSU staff to create their own podcasts.

Carla set up a podcast for her students on the decrease in honeybee colonies or "Colony Collapse Disorder". The podcasts were student-created interviews of experts on this problem. When asked her reason for assigning a podcast as her assessment she explained that she wanted her students to work to solve a current problem. She felt that students should create content by meeting with experts. Carla felt that making her “Honeybee Podcasts” would give the students the opportunity to share the problem with the world while also helping them to reach a higher understanding.

With her success in podcasting, Carla was asked to give advice to those starting out in podcasting. What she said, I feel sums up the feelings of many educators new to this process, “Don’t let the technology intimidate you.” That statement spoke to me. I know what I want to get out of making a podcast and I have plenty I could say to my students; but, the thought of creating my podcast is held up by my fear of the process of making and publishing it. In this class we have received many ideas for using a podcast or screen capture. These ideas are only stopped by our concerns of making and publishing what we have created. I know that once we make a few podcasts and get the hang of it, we will be confident in what we have produced. Am I the only one that has ideas for dynamite podcasts, but am fretting that I won’t be able to get them out there?

This is a fantastic podcast for those timid of jumping in. They recommend making a discussion board of those new to podcasting. It will open you up new ideas and solutions to technical problems. I hope that as my school moves into the podcast pool, we can create such a support group.
Have a great week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post, if you don't mind I am going to repost this on our TechEd 2008 blog.